32 research outputs found

    Control estacional, lunar y mareal de la dinámica del ictioplancton en la interfaz entre un estuario templado y las aguas costeras adyacentes (oeste de Portugal)

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    Influence of season, lunar-tide cycle and tide on ichthyoplankton at the interface between Mondego estuary and the adjacent coast and on up-estuary transport was evaluated. Seasonal samples were collected at a fixed station at the mouth of the estuary during diel cycles, at neap and spring tides. Additionally, four sampling stations along the estuary were assessed. Pomatoschistus spp. was the main estuarine taxon, while Sardina pilchardus and Parablennius pilicornis were the most important marine species. Ichthyoplankton entrance and transport along the estuary presented a seasonal pattern with higher densities during summer. Lunar-tide cycle also represented an important influence, structuring communities that reach the estuary and their subsequent distribution. Solea senegalensis and Sardina pilchardus seemed to take advantage of spring tides to enter the estuary. S. pilchardus appear to be using tides to move upstream of the estuary. Ichthyoplankton entrance in the estuary seemed related to species spawning period, while its distribution within the estuary depends on in situ spawning and on the capacity of species to counteract currents and river flow. The present study provides a better understanding of ichthyoplankton dynamics at the interface of two coastal systems, reinforcing knowledge of the lunar-tide cycle influence on ichthyoplankton communities.Se estudió la influencia de la estación, ciclo lunar y mareas entre el estuario del Mondego y las aguas costeras adyacentes sobre el ictioplancton y el transporte de las larvas hasta el estuario. En cada estación del año, el ictioplancton fue muestreado en una estación fija situada en la desembocadura del estuario, realizandose ciclos diarios en mareas muertas y vivas. Además, fueron muestreadas otras cuatro estaciones en el estuario. Pomatoschistus spp. fue la principal especie estuarina mientras que Sardina pilchardus y Parablennius pilicornis fueron las especies marinas más importantes. La entrada de ictioplancton y transporte a lo largo del estuario presentaron un patrón estacional con mayores abundancias en verano. El ciclo lunar tuvo una importante influencia en la estructuración de las comunidades que llegan al estuario y su posterior distribución. Solea senegalensis y Sardina pilchardus parecen tomar ventaja de las mareas vivas para entrar en el estuario. S. pilchardus parece aprovechar las mareas para moverse hacia la parte alta del estuario. La entrada del ictioplancton en el estuario parece estar relacionada con el periodo de desove mientras que su distribución en el estuario depende del desove in situ así como de la capacidad de las especies de contrarrestar las corrientes y el caudal del río. Este estudio proporciona un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica del ictio- plancton en la interfaz de dos sistemas costeros y refuerza el conocimiento de la influencia del ciclo lunar de la marea en las comunidades ictioplanctónicas

    Zooplankton distribution in a marine protected area: the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Western Coast of Portugal)

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    Zooplankton distribution in the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal) was studied over a period of one year (February 2006 to February 2007). Monthly sampling was performed at 6 stations, differentiated according to depth and distance to the coastline. The aim of this study was to investigate the overall zooplankton variability through its different dimensions (space vs. time). The Partial Triadic Analysis (PTA) was used to study the spatial variability of the zooplankton community and its dynamics in time and the dynamic trajectories of the zooplankton species for each site. It was possible to distinguish a neritic-ocean gradient of the zooplankton composition and a temporal variability. Four distinct periods can be highlighted considering the distribution of the dates and the arrangement of the species: (i) the first one comprised August to November, (ii) the second one was related to June and July, (iii) the third one associated with spring (April and May) and, (iv) the latest one was related to winter (February, March and December 2006 and January and February 2007). The PTA method showed the similarities between the successive data tables and proved to be useful for investigating biotic structures and detecting spatial-temporal patterns in zooplankton distribution.publishe

    Zooplankton distribution in a marine protected area: The Berlengas Natural Reserve, Western Coast of Portugal

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    Zooplankton distribution in the Berlengas Natural Reserve (Portugal) was studied over a period of one year (February 2006 to February 2007). Monthly sampling was performed at 6 stations, differentiated according to depth and distance to the coastline. The aim of this study was to investigate the overall zooplankton variability through its different dimensions (space vs. time). The Partial Triadic Analysis (PTA) was used to study the spatial variability of the zooplankton community and its dynamics in time and the dynamic trajectories of the zooplankton species for each site. It was possible to distinguish a neritic-ocean gradient of the zooplankton composition and a temporal variability. Four distinct periods can be highlighted considering the distribution of the dates and the arrangement of the species: (i) the first one comprised August to November, (ii) the second one was related to June and July, (iii) the third one associated with spring (April and May) and, (iv) the latest one was related to winter (February, March and December 2006 and January and February 2007). The PTA method showed the similarities between the successive data tables and proved to be useful for investigating biotic structures and detecting spatial-temporal patterns in zooplankton distribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dinamika roda Acartia (Calanoida: Copepoda) u temperiranom plitkom estuariju (ušće rijeke Mondego) na zapadnoj obali Portugala

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    The purpose of this work was to review the dynamics of the Acartia species in the Mondego estuary (a temperate North-Atlantic shallow estuary in Western Portugal) in a genus integrated perspective. The Acartia genus is represented in the system by the species Acartia clausi and Acartia tonsa; the samples were taken between July 1999 and June 2000, with 63 and 125 µm mesh size nets, and between January 2003 and January 2004, with a 335 µm mesh size net, in the downstream and upstream areas of the estuary. Significant differences in abundance were found between months and sampling stations for the two species (ANOVA, P < 0.05). A. clausi dominated in the downstream estuary, registering peaks in June (156 ind. m-3) and September (73 ind. m-3); in the upstream estuary this species showed a maximum of density in September (35 ind. m-3). A. tonsa dominated in the upstream estuary with peaks of abundance occurring in December (2372 ind. m-3) and October (1056 ind. m-3) in the downstream estuary this species exhibited higher abundance in August (52 ind. m-3). The two species of the genus coexist in time exhibiting a strong spatial segregation behavior in the estuary.Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled dinamike vrsta Acartia u estuariju Mondego (temperirani sjevernoatlantski plitki estuarij u zapadnom Portugalu) za sve nađene vrste toga roda. Rod Acartia je prisutan s tri vrste: Acartia clausi, Acartia bifilosa var. inermis i Acartia tonsa; uzorci uzeti od srpnja 1999 do lipnja 2000 su dobiveni pomoću mreže veličine oka 63 i 125 µm, a od siječnja 2003 do siječnja 2004 pomoću mreže veličine oka 335 µm, u nizvodnom i uzvodnom dijelu estuarija. Nađene su znatne razlike u abundanciji dviju vrsta (ANOVA, P < 0.05). A. clausi je bila dominantna u nizvodnom estuariju s maksimumom u lipnju (156 ind. m -3) i rujnu (73 ind. m-3); u uzvodnom estuariju ova vrsta je imala maksimum gustoće u rujnu (35 ind. m-3). A. tonsa je bila dominantna u uzvodnom estuariju s makmimumom gustoće u prosincu (2372 ind. m-3) i listopadu (1056 ind. m-3). U nizvodnom estuariju ova je vrsta bila obilatije zastupljena u rujnu (52 ind. m-3). Dvije vrste se u estuariju javljaju istovremeno, ali su prostorno izrazito odijeljen

    Apoio à distância a vítimas de violência e crime - Manual para profissionais

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    Mesozooplankton biomass and copepod estimated production in a temperate estuary (Mondego estuary): effects of processes operating at different timescales

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    A fundamental step in characterizing marine planktonic communities is the knowledge of the variability of their biomass and production, in order to assess the flux of matter through the food web and estimate the fate of this energy. The zooplankton assemblage’s dynamics of the Mondego estuary (Portugal) have been extensively characterized, but none have focused on biomass and secondary production. In the present study, zooplankton biomass and secondary production were investigated with a seasonal basis in a fixed station, located at the mouth of the Mondego estuary (Portugal), with emphasis on the copepod community. In order to study the influence of physical processes operating at different temporal scales, sub-surface and near-bottom samples were collected every 2 h in diel and tidal cycles, over neap tides

    MarinEye - A tool for marine monitoring

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    This work presents an autonomous system for marine integrated physical-chemical and biological monitoring – the MarinEye system. It comprises a set of sensors providing diverse and relevant information for oceanic environment characterization and marine biology studies. It is constituted by a physicalchemical water properties sensor suite, a water filtration and sampling system for DNA collection, a plankton imaging system and biomass assessment acoustic system. The MarinEye system has onboard computational and logging capabilities allowing it either for autonomous operation or for integration in other marine observing systems (such as Observatories or robotic vehicles. It was designed in order to collect integrated multi-trophic monitoring data. The validation in operational environment on 3 marine observatories: RAIA, BerlengasWatch and Cascais on the coast of Portugal is also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structure of estuarine zooplankton assemblages : contribution of environmental factors and climate variability

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Ecologia) apresentada à Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia da Univ. de Coimbr

    Zooplâncton do Estuário do Mondego: abundância, biomassa, composição, diversidade e dinâmica espacio-temporal e tidal da taxocenose de 335 um

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    Mestrado em Ciências das Zonas CosteirasA dinâmica espacio-temporal e tidal das comunidades zooplanctónicas do estuário do Mondego foi estudada entre Janeiro de 2003 e Janeiro de 2004. As amostras de zooplâncton foram colhidas em 5 locais de amostragem distribuídos pelos Braço Norte, Braço Sul e embocadura do estuário, na situação de preia-mar e baixa-mar. A abundância, a composição, a diversidade e a biomassa zooplanctónica, da taxocenose de 335 mm, foram determinadas para cada momento de amostragem. As características físico-químicas de cada um dos locais de amostragem foram definidas para a situação de preiamar, através da análise de diversos parâmetros hidrológicos, tais como a salinidade, a temperatura, o oxigénio dissolvido, o pH, a profundidade de Secchi, os nutrientes (nitratos, nitritos, amónia e fosfatos) e o teor em clorofila a. Os parâmetros referidos anteriormente foram submetidos a uma análise de componentes principais (ACP), a qual evidenciou a existência de um gradiente espacial, opondo as estações mais a montante (N2 e S2), associadas a valores mais elevados de nitratos e fosfatos, às estações mais a jusante (E, S1 e N1), as quais foram caracterizadas por valores elevados de salinidade e oxigénio dissolvido. A análise de variância (ANOVA 3-factorial) demonstrou a existência de diferenças significativas entre os local de amostragem (P < 0,001) para a abundância do zooplâncton total, o qual foi mais abundante nas estações localizadas no Braço Sul, contrariamente aos efeitos fase da maré e mês de amostragem, os quais não mostraram ser significativos. No entanto, foi possível identificar a ocorrência de picos de abundância na Primavera, Verão e Outono, para a situação de baixa-mar, e no Outono e Inverno, para a situação de preia-mar. Durante o período de estudo, a fracção holoplanctónica foi mais abundante que a fracção meroplanctónica, tanto na situação de preia-mar como de baixa-mar. De entre os organismos holoplanctontes, os Copepoda foram aqueles cuja abundância relativa foi mais elevada, sendo de destacar a espécie Acartia tonsa, seguida dos Cladocera e Siphonophora. As análises de classificação (cluster) e ordenação (MDS) evidenciaram que a comunidade zooplanctónica do estuário do rio Mondego foi constituída por 4 grupos principais de organismos: Grupo I, constituído pelas espécies típicas de água doce; Grupo II, constituído por organismos marinhos com ocorrência no Outono/Inverno; Grupo III, constituído por organismos marinhos que dominam na Primavera/Verão e, Grupo IV, englobando as espécies estuarinas residentes. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a estrutura (abundância, biomassa e diversidade) da comunidade zooplanctónica do estuário do Mondego foi fortemente influenciada pelo padrão de circulação hidrológica característico de cada um dos Braços deste ecossistema, sendo o Braço Norte dominado pelos processos fluviais e o Braço Sul pela onda de maré.Spatial, temporal and tidal dynamics of the zooplanktonic community of the Mondego estuary were studied from January 2003 to January 2004. Zooplankton samples were collected at 5 sampling stations distributed through the North arm (N1 and N2), South arm (S1 and S2) and near the mouth (E), at both high- and low-tide. Zooplankton abundance, composition, diversity and biomass of the 335 mm taxocenosis were determined for each sampling moment. Hydrological parameters (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen contents, pH, Secchi depth, nutrients and chlorophyll a) were measured at high-tide. Based on such parameters, the principal component analysis (PCA) revealed the existence of a spatial gradient where the upstream sampling stations (N2 and S2), associated to high values of nitrates and phosphates, were in opposition to downstream stations (N1 and N2) with higher salinity and dissolved oxygen. Anova 3-way showed the existence of significant effect of the sampling station on the abundance of total zooplankton (P < 0,001), higher on the South arm site than on the North arm. No significant effects of tidal phase and sampling month were detected. Nevertheless, it was verified abundance peaks in Spring, Summer and Autumn at low-tide and in Autumn and Winter at high-tide. During this study, holoplankton was always more abundant than meroplankton at both high- and low-tide. The Copepoda was the main holoplanktonic group and Acartia tonsa revealed to be the more abundant taxa. Other holoplanktonic important groups were Cladocera and Siphonophora. Cluster analysis showed the existence of 4 main groups in the zooplanktonic community of the Mondego estuary: Group I composed by fresh water typical organisms, Group II with marine organisms which appeared in Autumn/Winter, Group III comprising marine organisms that predominated in Spring/Summer and Group IV corresponding to truly estuarine organisms. The results here obtained suggest that abundance, biomass and diversity of the zooplanktonic community of Mondego estuary are strongly influenced by the hydrological circulation pattern that occur in each arms - North arm dominated by the river flow and the South arm by tidal circulatio

    Surface modifications for the development of a biosensor for online monitoring of cell performance

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Ecologia) apresentada à Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia da Univ. de Coimbr